Sunday, October 30, 2016

by Tammi Sauer
Illustrated by Liz Starin

This is a cute story of imagination and play. The main character and his cat experience
a fun game of make believe play leaving them with a make believe friendship.
Very creative and out of the box story.
It is sweet and creative with a great ending.
The composition of the pages are not predictable and the illustrations
are fun and playfull. I love the watercolor feel to the illustrations.
My kids enjoy this story.
I like to read this story at the beginning of story time. My children
sometimes like to roar along with the character.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Counting With Barefoot Critters
by Teagan White

This is a great book for counting. I love the rhythm of this story
and the fact they count up to 12 which I find is slightly random.
My daughter loves this story. My son likes it but it does not
give him the opportunity to roar or yell. It might be a better
book for him when he gets alittle older. I like that it is clear
with the introduction of the numbers.
The composition of the pages are nice and unified which is
great when you are counting it creates and easy eye repetition for 
your child. I love the illustrations they are small and detailed which 
makes this book great for up close reading and viewing. 
The animals are so cute and line quality varies and giving the
page more interest. 
I like to read this book towards the end of story time.
It has a warm sweet ending and the cadence of the story is calming.

Is That A Cat
by Tim Hamilton

My kids love this story. They love to answer the questions on
each page.  This book is ok with me. I'm not sure why
I am not as crazy about it as they are....maybe it is that the 
illustrations remind me of Beavis and Butthead.
My children enjoy the illustrations and the journey it takes them on.
Composition varies from page to page which follows the unexpected
story line. 
I like to read this book at the beginning of story time because the
kids get so interactive with the story.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Teach Me To Love
by Denise Brennan-Nelson

This is a cute short picture book. The text is simple and great for word
recognition. The pictures are of real animals.
I think my daughter and son love this book because of the real pictures
showing animals in cute and happy moments.
It is a tender book that will leave your child with warm fuzzies.
The composition is the same on each page and is easy to follow and read.
This might be a great book to help beginner readers.
My kids love the pictures and the sweet text. 
I like to read this story towards the end of story time
there is not alot to think about and it leaves my kids with a warm fuzzy.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gary And Ray
by Sarah Adams

I love this feel good story. My kids love the story and love all the animals.
This is a journey of the main character who is lonely and his way
to find love. It is a short simple story that pulls at your heart strings.
The composition of the pages change from page to page which I
don't mind. I like the close up views and the long views of the
story the book illustrates. I like the graphic filtered illustrations. The animals are cute and I like the thick stroke lines of colors that define the objects.
I like the grainy colors it adds depth.
My kids are invested with the character and are left with warm feeling at the end.
I like this story at the end of story time because the kids 
are left with warm feelings and a happy ending.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

You Will Be My Friend
by: Peter Brown

Yes! another Peter Brown book!! I love this book and my kids love this 
book. My daughter loves making new friends and
this book was great for her. In this story the main character is looking for a 
new friend and sometimes it is not that easy to find a good new friend. 
This story is witty and creative with a great dash of advice.
My daughter loves it when I replace the main characters name with hers.
I love the illustrations it is the beautiful blockish style that Peter does 
so well. I love the hand sketch feel and the characters expressions. 
The layout and composition of the pages take your eyes for a ride.
I like to read this story in the middle of story time because
both kids are placing themselves in the story.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hairy Bear And His Friends
by Beth Shoshan
illustrations Masumi Furukawa

I enjoy this story. It is about a bear and his friend exploring the
thoughts of what the Hairy bear might want to become when he grows up.
Cute story that introduces the reader to different types of bears.
My son loves this book because he loves bears and he likes
to point to the type of bear he would like to be that day.
My daughter also likes to pick which bear she would be.
Sweet story that leaves you with warm fuzzy feeling.
I love the soft dream like illustrations soft, fuzzy, great use
of color, and very fitting for the story.
The composition is expected and easy to follow.
The story is short. I enjoy reading this story towards the
end of story time it is relaxing and greats warm fuzzies. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Don't Wake Up The Tiger
by Britta Teckentrup

My kids love this book. This book lacks substance in conveying
a lesson but makes up with plain good old fun and encourages
the reader to get interactive and involved with the story.
My kids love to sing, touch, and sing again with this story of a
sleeping tiger and his friends celebrating his birthday.
My daughter likes to tell the characters every time
to walk around the tiger she is invested in the story with the first page.
My son loves any chance to sing or yell and he loves the anticipation at the end.
I love how excited and involved my kids get with this story.
It is just pure fun.
The illustrations are fun and I love the geometric shapes and sponge
like effect. The composition is horizontal and consistent.
I read this at the beginning of story time because the
kids get animated and excited with the stories anticipation and interaction.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Children Make Terrible Pets
by Peter Brown

My kids and I love this story. It is also nice to read this story before 
you read Peter Brown's You Will Be My Friend book.
My children love it when I replace the main characters names with their names.
This story  follows the main characters journey to find a new pet.
This story is so clever, witty, and cute!! 
Such great creativity and sense of humor!
Beautiful illustrations! I love the hand sketched feeling. 
I like the color boxes around the text. 
The composition is unexpected and keeps you on your toes.
My kids are inspired to interact with the story because of this
I like to read the story at the beginning or middle of story time.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

by Victoria Kann

Pinkalicious is going Emerald. This is a cute story of a journey 
of  imagination and creative unexpected adventure.
This story is easier for my 5 yr old to follow than it is for my 2 yr old.
I am sure in a couple years he will enjoy it as much as my 5 yr old.
This story follows Pinkalicious and her brother on an unexpected adventure 
of magic and change. I like the underline story to improve and keep
our world green and clean. I like the words that all start with the 
same letter to help reinforce letter recognition.
The illustrations are very detailed and fill the page.
The composition of the pages are expected and fill every inch.
You could spend alot of time looking at each page because there is 
so much to look at.  I love the colors and tiny details.
I like to read this at the middle or toward the end. There is alot
to look at which puts the kids into concentration almost hypnotizing them.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Secret Agent Splat!
by Rob Scotton

Yes we are on the Splat train! We love this book! it is one of my favorite
Splat stories. My kids love this book. The main character wants to 
know who is messing with his ducks and the story follows
what actions he takes to find out what is going on.
I don't know what it is about those ducks they are so cute! 
The illustrations of the ducks would make some great kids wall paper.
My kids love the anticipation and the expressions on the characters faces. 
We love the different angles and the up close views of the story. 
It brought us into the story.
I love the illustrations you get a sense of Splats
texture and the texture around him.
The composition is unexpected which ties in with the story.
I like to read this at the beginning of story time because the kids
get excited and my daughter has to expand on the spiders view point.
They love to interact with this story.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Just Like My Mom
by David Melling

How can you not like a book with this title! 
I love this cute story and my kids also love it. 
This is a story of a cub and his wonderful mother who is fun and smart. 
The cub describes his relationship with his mom and the wonderful
interactions they have. I love that at the end of the story everyone
wants to be some where safe and warm with their mom.
I love the illustration and the hand of the illustrator.
The animals are cute and the colors and line quality are fun.
The composition changes from page to page which 
keeps it interesting. My kids love pointing to the main character
and the mom saying their names and placing themselves in the story.
Because of this interaction I like to place this story closer 
to the beginning of story time. The middle of story time is good also because
this story creates warm fuzzy feelings.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

If You Ever Want To Bring An Alligator To School Don't
by Elee Parsley

I am not a fan of this book. It is a story about the main character bringing
an alligator to school and why it is not a good idea.
The story gives you the perception that alligators are scared of humans. 
I don't want my children thinking that alligators are scared of humans. 
Maybe this story is better for an older crowd that has established knowledge of alligators.
We will need to try this book again in a few years.
 The alligator acts up in school and the main character gets in trouble. 
It is a creative story. I enjoy the illustrator's stylized hand.
The composition of the page creates nice flow for your eyes.
If I read this book it is at the beginning of story time. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

One Big Pair of Underwear
by Laura Gehl & Tom Lichtenheld

I love this story! It mixes numbers, math, and story telling with a lesson
in sharing. It is creative, witty, and captures the attention of my kids.
My son loves the emotion that the characters express. He will
verbalize along with the Yak and his lack of snacks.
It is a clever mix of characters and actions that challenge my
daughters ability to memorize the story.
The mix of characters, items, and actions along with the numbers
and the math creates layers to this books.
It will be awhile before we will get bored with this book!
I love the hand of the illustrator and the composition has
a great flow and is expected and reinforces the cadence of the story.
I like reading this at the beginning of story time because my kids
like to get involved with the story.

Monday, October 17, 2016

I Sat Beside An Elephant
by Keith L Roman

I like this book more than my children. It is a great story about
the main character's creative imaginative conversation
with animals while waiting for the bus. 
I love the cadence of  the story. It has such a great rhythm and 
the story is witty and unexpected. It is a fun and playful story.
The illustrations are cute and the composition fills the page.
I like to read this book at the end of story time because of 
the cadence and it sets the tone for the kids to go to sleep.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Mr Tiger Goes Wild
by Peter Brown

I LOVE this book! and I am the newest fan of Peter Brown!
This is a great story of a journey of a Tiger finding out who he is and being himself
even when faced with peer pressure from those around him.
The story is clever and has a great sense of humor!
My kids loved the story and enjoyed the opportunity to
"roar" out loud with the main character.
I am in love with the modern graphic block style of the illustrations!
The composition of the pages flow and take your eyes on a wonderful journey.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Beginners Guide to Bear Spotting

by Michelle Robinson
Illustration David Roberts

I love this book. The story is cleaver and does not give 
you the misconception real bears are fun and cuddly. It lets your child know
 that bears should be respected from a distance and that bears
can be dangerous but the story does it in a clever fun way!
The story has a great sense of humor!
The illustrations are so fitting with the concept of the book. I love the 
pencil sketch style and the composition on the page is appealing.
Nicely done!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Heart of a Tiger

by Marsha Diane Arnold
pictures by Jamichael Henterly

When I started this book it was not an immediate in "Love" 
I even questioned the action of the main character leaving his 
home and family to follow self discovery and how my kids 
would apply this to there life or how they would react. 
After reading the book for a couple of nights. 
I realized that for me the main characters actions of leaving
his family was only an element and I was being hyper sensitive
to bits of the story and not the overall story. 
I grew to like this book and the story it was telling.
The illustration are detailed, colorful, and beautiful.