Thursday, December 15, 2016

Splat the Cat Up In The Air At The Fair
by Rob Scotton

My kids love Splat the cat books. This is a fun story about a trip to the fair and the thoughtfulness of each of the characters for a friend that was not able to go with them. I like the caring & thoughtfulness the characters show. I also just love Spike and his character my kids think he is hilarious. The illustrations are true to the Splat style. Bright colors great
character expressions. The composition flows smoothly. I like to read this book towards the beginning or the middle of story time because the kids love and laugh at the characters.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Never Tickle a Tiger
by Pamela Butchart
illustrated by Marc Boutavant

This is a cute story of a girl and her ability to not stay still and the adventure she takes to the zoo. My daughter especially loved this books because the main character is always full of a ton of energy and she could relate to the main character. It is a cute and clever story that you would not be able to guess what is going to happen.
The words are fun and it introduces you to many animals. I  love the colorful hand drawn illustrations. I like the composition it flows. I am not a fan of pages that fold out there is only one section like this and I understand it is to add to the story but it is frustrating for me because the kids like to pull the pages and they get torn easy or the fold every which way.
Very cute story! I like to read this at the beginning or middle because the kids like to point at the animals and tell me about this animal or that and then they get excited at the climax of the story laughing and pointing.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

by Vitoria Kann

This is a cute and clever story taking you through the main characters childhood event. I love how she has incorporated all the wonderful holiday icons. My kids love the twist and turns of this story and it gets their minds thinking. The illustrations contain the same elements that most of the Pinkalicious lots of things to look at on each page making it a book you can read over and over again noticing something new. My kids love this book. I like to read this book towards the middle of story time.